pdf security settings

PDF Security Restrictions

PDF Security Settings: Restrict PDF access and use

  Free Trial & Demo

“Fantastic product… outstanding support.”

“We would recommend Locklizard to others”

“The clear leader for PDF DRM protection”

“Our ebook sales have gone through the roof”

“Simple & secure – protects IPR from theft”

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PDF Password Restriction: why you should NOT use passwords to restrict PDF access & use

  1. users can share passwords and thus ‘protected’ PDFs with others
  2. passwords are easily removed with password recovery software
  3. Adobe PDF permissions (stop copy, print etc.) can be removed without using any tools
  4. once the user has the password they can unprotect the PDF and do what they like with it

“We purchased Safeguard PDF Security to secure PDF files and control access and un-authorised use. We now have greater control on who/how our material is accessed when distributed around the world, including limiting the number of prints and using expiry controls to manage subscriptions.

We would recommend Locklizard to other companies.

Safeguard PDF Security does what it says – it provides a manageable, cost effective uncomplicated way to protect PDF documents, your investment.”

PDF Security Settings & Document Restriction Options

The following PDF Security Settings are available in Safeguard PDF Security.

PDF security settings and restrictions such as preventing copy and paste, editing, saving in unprotected form, printing and screen grabbing are enabled by default.

PDF Access Control – assign document access to all users, individual users, or users who subscribe to a specific publication
PDF Expiryexpire PDFs on a fixed date, after a number of days from first use, after a number of views, after a number of prints, or never
PDF Document Verification – verify document access every time they are opened (so they can be revoked if required), every n days, or never (offline use)
Screen grabber protection – allow or stop screen capture
Virtual environments – allow or disallow use in thin client/virtual environments
PDF Print Control – allow or stop printing.  Control the number of prints, enforce colorless printing, revoke access automatically once print allowances are used
PDF Watermarks – apply dynamic watermarks (user name, company name, email address, date/time stamp) to documents when they are viewed / printed
PDF Revocationrevoke access to a PDF document or a user instantly
PDF Auditingtrack and monitor PDF use – log document prints and views*
PDF Location Control – control the locations (i.e. office only) from where secure PDF documents can be viewed*

* Enterprise PDF security settings only

   Default PDF Security Settings

The following PDF security settings and restrictions are always enabled and cannot be changed.

  • PDF documents are automatically locked to authorized user’s devices so if they are copied to another device they will not open.
  • Save and Save As functionality is not available so users cannot save protected PDFs to unprotected formats.
  • Protected PDF files cannot be edited and modified.
  • If printing is allowed then printing to file drivers is automatically prevented to stop users printing to PDF and similar file formats.

   Changing PDF Restrictions

Many Safeguard PDF Security settings and restrictions can be changed / edited dynamically from the Admin system after a document has been published.  Such as:

  • assigning and revoking access
  • allocating extra document prints or views
  • changing document expiry dates
  • changing user access dates
  • restricting or allowing use in specific locations

For a more detailed description of the PDF security settings and restriction options available in Safeguard PDF Security see Safeguard PDF Security settings.

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